The Village

Join us to build a new kind of community

What is a Regenerative Village?

A regenerative village is different from just building houses.  The village will have at its core regenerative living practices.

It is a whole land-use system designed to accommodate people and nature in ways which are good for both. Specifically, it is a way for households and whole communities to achieve net zero carbon footprints now, whilst enabling significant uplifts in nature recovery and carbon sequestration on the land which surrounds them at the same time.

You are surrounded by a landscape where nature is thriving, and organic food is grown for the wider area as well. There are places to work or all sorts – offices, studios, workshops. Your home and its surroundings are designed to support community and promote wellbeing.


The village is likely to be a co-housing community with shared facilities and decision-making. We aim to be inter-generational and diverse. Housing options will include buying in, renting, affordable housing and co-living.

Living there

Living there will be different. Trying to live within environmental limits is often harder and more expensive than not bothering, but in the village it will be easy as Bowden Pillars as a whole will be hard-wired to enable to  live within one planet footprints.

In the village there will be a year-round supply of fresh and nutritious food produced by you or one of your neighbours. Your energy is affordable and renewably generated on site. Your home will be built from natural materials and cheap to run. You will share gardens full of food, flowers and wildlife, a community building for gatherings, celebrations and meetings, and a site shop. Vehicles are left at the gate, and most are shared electric ones, including e-bikes.


The requirements of regenerative lives, and our planning commitments, will set key design parameters for the village. Alongside this there will also be an amazing opportunity for co-creating community and place.

Interested in living in the village?  Please fill in the survey and connect with us.