Support Us

How you can support us

Join our newsletter to hear about upcoming opportunities

We have exciting plans for the the future and we'll need your help - from tree planting to sharing your knowledge there are many ways you can get involved as the project developed. Tune into our newsletter to keep up to date and hear about our events and opportunities.


We are hugely appreciative of all the donations we have received already. Gifts help us to believe that you share our vision and builds our confidence that we will succeed in achieving it. They are vital in helping us meet our running costs. If you would like to make a gift then you can do so via the below button. Thank you!


If you wish to explore the loan option please e-mail us through the button below.

Loans are different from gifts in that they are repayable. Loans form a very important part of the funding we need.

We are specifically looking for low interest or interest free loans that will support us through the early years of the project.